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Memoir 2: I need You

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - December 22nd, 2009

Small Edit: Just going to put a cross on all the scenes you guys have posted to show me which ones have been done in case I forget.

The first memoir is on Kongregate now. This is proof I put it there. You can see it here:
http://www.kongregate.com/games/BlueFl ameSkulls/memoir-text-adventure

Check this out. darkkenia sent me a PM about this. http://www.kongregate.com/games/SoleSo ldier/memoir-text-adventure. Now Memoir 1 is all over then net. I have no control over that but thankfully most keep my NG name in the credits and don't pretend they made it. But the guy who posted it on kongregate "SoleSoldier" is really playing the part. Here's some of the things he(or she) has said for your enjoyment:
"So did you like this game (Kinda?) It was my first game. Also, your name depends on your stats Also your gender. (Should i make a sequel?)"
Nope. The name you choose has no impact on the stats.

"Erugh, big delay.. More homework coming up along with projects. Might delay the sequel till march."
I'm a little confused by this. Is he waiting on me to make the sequel or going to make his own? I do doubt this because he forgot to take my name off the credits which leads me to believe he doesn't know how to use flash.

Oh if you are reading this SoleSoldier. I'm totally putting you in the credits of memoir 2. And one more thing, thanks for giving me a boost in revenue. You're awesome.

Update (8th Jan 10). Seeing as Memoir 1 broke 100,000 views on NG not so long ago I feel like letting you guys in a few new info. Although I don't think it's a good idea because I'm over hyping up a flash game for god's sake. So far I put in a save load system because if I'm right it'll take far too long to finish a game in one sitting. I've been coming up with what the mall is going to be like. At the moment I plan to have 10 different shops and I've come up with a total of 60 items you can buy with more to come. The first memoir had 7 items you could buy. Because the game should last ages I need more scenarios posted and so far all of them have been great.

Updated again (29th December) with a newer image. I've made the menu much nicer than it was before. I finished a basic character creator for males. You can see the result of a randomly created character from the stats on the left. What I want to know is if it's good looking or an eye sore.

Updated: Have a new image. In between making scenes I'm trying to make the game look prettier. Doesn't look like much now but it will look a lot more shinier.

I've procrastinated a little but I've got on with Memoir 2. The prototype is doing pretty well. Now I'm focusing on the scenes. This is where the many readers of my news posts (yes all 5 of you) can come in. The first Memoir had scenes that were blatant rip off some of the scenes in Alter Ego because thinking this stuff up is harder than you might think.

Now I'll try to keep this short as possible. Below are the list of events you can do in the game. The ones in italic are ones where you can come up with scenes. It shouldn't be too long and you can have a multiple choice question (only 3 questions). Keep in mind some questions rely on how high or low a certain statistic is (see bottom of page what statistics mean). You can post many scenes as you want and I'll put the best ones in the game. Of course you'll be credited with your username in the corner of the scene. Like a collab. I'll fill in the blanks (like the script of each scene) Post it like the example below but it doesn't need to be exactly like this.

Scenario: There is a party in the next dorm but you're meant to be studying for a test tomorrow.
Multiple choice (1):
Option 1: Continue studying (+10 int).
Option 2: Go to the party and cram afterwards (+5 int +2 friends)
Option 3: Go to the party and go straight to bed afterwards
if cha > 55 = (+4 friends)
else (+1 friends)


School (Mon-Fri) age 5-16
College (Tue-Fri) age 16-18
University (Tue-Fri) age 18-21
Work (varies according to job)age 16+

Go to the park age 5+ (age determines what you do there)
Cinema age 14+
Gym age 16-60

Jogging age 14-60
Work out (this is at home)age 15-60
Date Experience (must have a date)
Watch TV age 5+
Play video games age 5-60
Museum age 50+

Shopping/mall (years vary the item) age 14+
Rest age 10+
Appearance (This is boosting you appearance stat) age 10+
Call friend age 10+
Call date (must have a date)

Night time
Nightclub age 18-30
Pub/Bar age 18+

Study (must be in Education) age 5-21
Rest age 10+
Watch TV age 5+
Play video games age 5-60
Visit friend age 5+
If you have any good ideas for new events then post it.

Stats and their descriptions are below (each stat is in between 0-100):
Str (Strength): How strong you are. 0 = Weakling 100 =Body Builder
App (Appearance): How good looking you are. 0 =Ugly 100 =Beautiful
Ath (Athletics):Whether you're thin or fat. 0 =Bulimic 100 =Obese
Cha (Charisma): How well you do in social situations. 0 =Social Outcast 100 =Life of the party
Int (Intelligence):How smart you are. 0 =Retarded 100 =Genius
Friends: The amount of friends you have can let you into certain scenarios. If you have 0 friends then you are unable to do even the most basic events.
Happ (Happiness): How happy you are. Do not let this get too low. If you're "suicidal" then you better do something that makes you happy. If you go below 0 then you commit suicide thus ending your game.
HP (Health): Minor and/or Major illnesses will bring this stat down (if you want to know what the minor/major illness are they're random events. A minor illness is a cold and a major one is something like cancer or a broken leg. Only very rarely can you get illnesses through scenes). If the HP stat goes below 0, the game ends.

That's all. I assure you I am doing some work like coming up with my own scenes. I'll post a slightly new picture. There are only minor additions in this one. If you have any ideas/suggestions or questions then feel free to post. If you don't understand anything I've said (I don't blame you) then ask me.

Memoir 2: I need You


Everything under "Events", including the subcategories, refer to the location/premise, yes?


I'll try to make one, although this sort of follows the example.
Scenario: Today is your final exam , and you aren't confident you'll pass.

Option 1: Answer the test honestly.
if int >= 60 = happiness +5, int + 5
else int - 5 happiness - 5

Option 2: Cheat from a friend
if friends >= 6 = happiness + 5
else charisma - 5, happiness - 5, int - 5

Option 3: Cram a little more
happiness - 2

Okay, that's all I can think of right now.

Sounds great. This is exactly the type of examples I want to see.

Nice job! How about if you don't show up for work or school for a long time you get fired/exspelled.

Perhaps I can make a scene out of that.

I also have a story.
School, age 5-7
Scenario: There is a kid bugging you during a lesson, you can't help but do something.
Option 1: Ask him to Stop Calmly (+5 Charm, +1 Friend, +5 Happiness)
Option 2: Hit him in the face (-5 Charm, -1 friend, +10 Strength)
Option 3. Start crying like a little girl (-15 Happiness)

Yep that's cool.


Forget about my fired thing. I think it sounds stupid.

see above.

Age 6
Scenario: Your class is going skating, though it is your first time and don't know what to do.

Option 1: Hold on to the edge the whole time.
If strength > 25, +5 Happiness (sucsess)
If else, -10 happiness, -5 Appearance (Fall down on face and break nose)

Option 2: Run on the ice
-5 Intelligence (Automaticly Slip)

Option 3: Think of what the teacher said to do
If Intelligence >65, +10 Intelligence, +15 Happiness.
If else, -15 Happiness

OK that's good.

But just want to mention that the next memoir will be different to the first meaning that you don't get set scenes according to age. All scenes are picked randomly using the random function. This is why I'm asking for scenes here so you don't get the same scene again.

Of course you only get certain scenes depending on age. Like you can't answer a quiz question designed for children when you're a teenager.


Here's a shot....

Play Video Games
You dig up an old video game console in the attic.
Option one - Sell it in a yard sale = +$Small amount of money
Option two - Give it away = +1 friends
Option three - Play it for a while =
If age > 44 = Your hand-to-eye skills have deteriorated, but it's still fun. +3 happiness
If age < 30 = The game is boring, and there are no instructions. What a waste of time. -3 Happiness
If age >29, but age < 45, = You remember this game from the good old days, and have a great time. +6 Happiness

Video games was not in italic but I like this scene nonetheless.

Definitely adding.

here's one:
age 16
happ:satisfied(i dont konw)
your friends want to go to the mall
but you have a test in science
option1:go with them and study afterwards(+1 int,+ 2 friends,6 happ)
option2:study hard(+5 int,-2 friends,-5 happ)
option3:go with them and not study(-5 int,+2 friends,5 happ)
friends depends on cha
result in test depends on int

hope this is good enough

From now on I'll just say yep to all comments with scenes. I feel a little OCD if I don't reply to comments.

Here's another scene.

Scenario: You are in the cinema with some friends and friends of friends , and you can't decide on which movie to watch with your friends.

Option 1 : Let them decide.
happiness + 3, friends + 1

Option 2 : Choose a movie you like
if charisma >60, happiness + 5 charisma + 1
Else friends - 1, happiness - 2

Option 3 : Abandon the idea of watching a movie
charisma - 5, friends - 2

My plan with the cinema is it'll choose a random title of a movie. Whether anything after that happens I'm still deciding. Too much work for a minor part of the game.

Oops, forgot this too. I'm not sure if it was in Alter Ego, however. I think this is sorta different.

Date Experience

Scenario: You are preparing for a date. While dressing up and washing, you notice a zit (or pimple, whichever you prefer) on your forehead.

Option 1 : pop it
You got a scar, idiot. appearance - 5 intelligence - 5

Option 2 : cover it with something else
Luckily no one noticed. [no bonus / penalty]

Option 3 : ignore it
Your date saw it but didn't really care much aside from commenting on it.
happiness + 1

Yeah this was in Alter Ego but I can see how different it is.

A new event could be "Use Computer" though it would depend on the year.


I was going to put a computer in the store with each model changing according to year. Yeah I can make an event out of that.

I also heard you wanted to make cheats

I have a few ideas about this

Unlimited Money Cheat
All High Stats Cheat
Choose-Your-Stats Cheat

Thats about it though.

I was going to do it like NG Sim. You'd enter cheats in the name field.

About the choose your stats: I'm going to make a character creator where you'd have manual, random and premade. But that's causing me trouble. I really can't draw well especially when stats determine your appearance. There's always something that doesn't work right.

Scenairo: There is a kid next to you making a lot of noise during the movie, the guard asks you to leave instead

Option 1: Convince him it was the kid
If charm >40 and intelligence >60, Happiness > 15
If else, Happiness <15

Option 2: Just leave
Stats saty the same

Option 3: Start yelling at him
Charm < 25, Happiness < 10

I believe you mean an usher.

Though these days we have armed guards at airports looking for explosives in the form of water bottles. Guards at cinemas shouldn't be so odd.

Nice character, I like it.

I still think the face could do work.

I mean I've made it so the character smiles if they're attractive and frowning if they're not. That could make people it has something to do with the happiness stat. I'm not really sure what makes a person attractive or ugly.

Maybe you can also indicate they are attractive by making the character have sparkles or shine.

Funnily enough that was my first idea by having a star next to them if they had the highest app stat.

I've made characters with the lowest app stat have a dirty face though so sparkles sounds like a good fit.

Scenario: The movie you wanted to watch is sold out of tickets.
Option 1: Watch another movie (charm +5 and -10 money )
Option 2: Rent the movie on DVD (Money -10)
Option 3: Demand a screening of the movie ( If strength is over 50=suceed. If strength is under 50=(-5 charm and 10 money)


It would be nice when you reach old age, there are no fixed limits ( I think you also mean something you put in, 'game ends the way you want it'? ), but the health decrease grows exponentially

Not sure what to do about old age.

The health loss was there to stop people from reaching 130 too easily. At the moment I'm making it all up as I go along.

Another scene.


Preferably before the age of 70

Scenario: You are visiting a history museum when suddenly a young person manages to steal a display item via the use of (=-insert tools here-=).

Option 1: Run after the thief
If athletics OR strength >=80, charisma + 1, money + 10*2d6
"You caught the thief and got recognition and reward from the museum staff."
Else health - 2
"You ran after the intruder but tripped over a (-insert object here-) and got a few cuts and bruises. Nothing bad, though."

Option 2: Call the guard
If charisma >40, happiness +5, Money +5*2d6
else happiness - 15
"They don't trust you. It makes you feel useless and unliked.

Option 3: Don't do anything
intelligence - 2
"You feel dumb for not doing anything."


looks pretty cool but the guy is pretty poorly drawn i know you can do better than that

I'm terrible at drawing and animating. I wonder why I use flash when it's mostly drawing and animating.

The problem with the character is that each of the stats affect the limbs, body and head and they all need to look right whatever the outcome. The female version looks better (but only just) though.

As for fixed appearance characters I've used references which feels like cheating.

If I ever do a memoir 3 I might ask for someone who can draw. Or I could get a wacom.

Perhaps it could be possible to have a different upbringing, experience homelessness and imprisonment?

I've thought of those things but not sure how to add them.

Though I've thought some of those could give you a game over which is kind of a cop out.

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