I think their should be a secret button at your grave when you die where you get into a secret final scene. Note: Since your dead, all your stats are where you started as a baby
Scenario: Well, you ended up in hell. But you see a ladder possibly leading to heaven.
Option 1: Climb it (if strengh > 50 sucsess)
Option 2: Don't cilmb it (Stay in hell)
Option 3: Pray to God you go to heaven (if all stats over 75 sucsess)
Your character's arms look a little long. Might need to fix that a little... also.... i was thinking if you have time or something you could incorporate more stats into the character image like this:
Low Athletics: a Morbidly Obese character, probably around <25.
Medium Athletics: Average size. Around 25-65
High Athletics: Skinny. >65
Low Strength: Arms have small amount of skin sagging down. <25 (From this point on just use the same averages I have on the Athletics)
Medium: Average sized arms, not to big not to small.
High strength: Large muscular arms.
Few Friends: No change to what you already have. (Not sure what you would consider low for friends.)
Average friends: Several shadows behind character.
Many Friends: Large number of people behind characer (Around 4-5?)
So on and so forth for the stats.
Way ahead of you when it comes to the athletics and strength. That particular screenshot doesn't show much but you do get fat and you can get muscular arms when you've got a certain number in your stats.
The friends thing however. This sounds fantastic. There is a slight problem with the friends so far. It could get to the point where you have more friends than a minor celeb on facebook.
And yes the arms look long like a chimp.