For those who give one, I won't be on the internet at all for some time.
This could be a few days or even a month. Today I bought some computer parts and for it to work I need some more. So I put it all together and was struggling as I had a dual core processor which I have never built a computer with one. So before I went ahead on putting in the final cables I called up my uncle who is extremely good at computers. So it turned out that even if I turned it on, I would blow the board.
We came to the conclusion that I need.
A new power supply as the one I had was designed for P4, plus the block cable was not suitable for the board.
Matching ram as I had bought 1 stick of 2GB ram which I learned that it would work with one of the processors in the dual core. So I will have to return that for 2 matching 1GB ram. Should cost the same but I'll probably be fleeced of an extra few pounds. It's quite important it's matching as they run at the same "clock speeds". Something along those lines.
Also I need to make sure that all the bronze spacers are there in the case and they are in every screw. Any spares or missing I will have to attend to if I don't want to blow the board.
Because I have already started building this computer from my existing computer I have no internet. I'm posting this from my PS3 browser which like any console browser, slow. Plus seeing as Newgrounds is a chunky site with flash it takes longer to get to A to B.
I need to get these parts quite soon, considering a relative bought these parts I have now. I do need to pay her back so maybe tomorrow I will have to call her and talk to her about returning the RAM. Then I will have to look for the required parts either with her or later.
So I could be a while, not too long. So if you're wondering where I've gone next week, which is unlikely, then I have COMPOOTA TRUBULS.
Posting is a bitch when not on a computer
EDIT: I may post often on this PS3 but not as often as usual. Having to select no to plugins at nearly every page on newgrounds is tedious. So basically I'm posting less rather than not at all. Or I could use the family computer but that shit is so old it takes 5 minutes to boot up and 5 more to start up. I am denied to formatting that computer which I want to do in the last two years.
EDIT 2: I'm almost done. I got a new power supply which fits, I'm wondering why there is a spare 6 pin block cable though. I got that on Friday. I've moved the brass spacers to they're alligned with the screws on the board. All I need now is matching RAM and connect the connectors like the power switch connector. I could do it now but it would be better to wait until I get the RAM and some advice from my uncle before I switch it on. Whilst I got the power supply, I asked for static resistance bags and they gave me shed loads.
EDIT 3: went to the shop today I bought the RAM from, returned it and asked for a matching pair. I have to pick it up later this week when they get it in. Plus I have to bring about £5 as it costs a little more. Like I said, they'd try to fleece you for a little more. I also had a missing plastic connector part which I needed. All needed to do is ask them for one and I'll cut all the wires. So I could be back sometime this week assuming I get it all right.