
Age 36, Male


Joined on 11/15/03

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BlueFlameSkulls's News

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - July 18th, 2008

EDIT: I just fixed it now. Seems the cables were in the wrong place although I made sure they were. It was late when I got to that point. It's all working. It's somewhat cooler but I've only had it turned on for a few minutes. The CPU fan speed is a little slow but that's probably because there's no heat issues at the moment. I have heard a sort of crackling noise but it's not a "OH SHIT IT'S GONNA BLOW" noise. Must be because the new case has a few more vents than the last, hence I can hear it more.

Anyway I'll need to head off to the computer shops next week for a rear fan. There was one in there already but it was faulty. Might consider upping my PSU to a more powerful unit.
I decided to move my computer in a new case and after completing the IDE drives are not detected so that leads me to believe:
1. The cables are duff
2. the drives are duff
3. the controllers on the mobo are duff
4. the BIOS needs an update
5. Or I put them in the wrong place.

It's like 10pm and it's too late to sort it now so I'll do it tomorrow. If there is a big problem it could mean about a week without a computer but I have a few others so I should be fine. The floppy disc is fine and the motherboard itself is tip top. As is the PSU and the drives. I think updating the BIOS should be easy if I can find a floppy disc to put the data on. My fear is the IDE controllers are busted which is a huge problem.

Generally all I did was move everything into a new case so I think I put the cables in the wrong places. No need to set jumpers and whatnot.

/* */

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - June 24th, 2008

Hey guys it's my birthday on the 9th of July. I don't feel like making my own birthday topic again.

/* */
Also this is my thoughts on the channel BBC3. Bring back old BBC3

You left the light on in the bathroom

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - June 9th, 2008

/* */

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - June 3rd, 2008

/* */

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - May 6th, 2008

Ground control to major tom

Continue the song

/* */

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - April 28th, 2008

So I want to change the subject.

I want opinions on my new sig (resized user page sig below), it wasn't a long job but I think I did better than my expectations. I was listening to David Bowie's Space Oddity and Life on Mars? and I love the lyrics. Originally it was just going to be the text on a transparent background which is an incredibly simple task but I like how text with transparent background looks on these forums.

So I did the whole space thing which I learnt from numerous tutorials, past experiences and just looking them up.

I know the text is bland, boring even but the background just looks pretty good. Started off with a star field, then a faint nebula, going onto making a planet (with an infamous lens flare) and finally some stunning nebula I added later which fits in well with a late 60s song lyric.

Whilst I'm here, anyone know where I can get photoshop 7? I used up my trial period on 7 and started on CS3 which is another trial. Even though photoshop is a great bit of software, it's incredibly expensive. £500 for the basic when all I want is 7 which had everything there for me and I'm used to it.

New Sig

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - April 5th, 2008

NG is being gay and half the day I get time outs exclusively from this site.

It stays up for about 2 hours, then goes off for about 6 ish hours.

Plus I have real life stuff going on.

So yeah to make this short, I'm not going on newgrounds for very long until issues have been fixed.

NG seems to be working again.

and I'm not leaving BTW, I just have stuff happening that may make me appear not so often.

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - March 13th, 2008

I have DanAbnormal syndrome.

I'll explain. DanAbnormal was the greatest Newgrounds poster ever, he was a regular like our current popular posters. He was funny and he made great posts. I looked up to him although he wasn't a 00 or 01 user. I honestly thought he would still be posting today.

Before Dan stopped posting, he posted more often in C&C. Or maybe less in general. Eventually he pretty much got a life. Or he died, I have no idea where he is now.

Then I noticed it, I'm slowly moving to C&C and not posting in general.

But let us drink a toast of milk.
shame you didn't die.

To Dan.

DanAbnormal Syndrome

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - March 5th, 2008

So I've (almost) completed building my new computer.

I am currently on my new PC which I built over the past week. It's nothing spectacular, just a full on upgrade from what I was on. All that needs to be done is installing all the old programs I used and the games I had, plus all my music and pictures. But that's not what I mean by almost completed, my genuine copy of windows needs to be activated. Getting a real copy has always been awkward for me, so I got a real copy and lo and behold I get shat on.

So I go through the activation screens, confident, and I find my product key has been used too many times. Considering I'm on a completely different computer and the amount of times I change it, it's not surprising that activating would be awkward. So tomorrow I'll have to call customer service which I despise so much and they can give me a code to activate it. No doubt they'll ask a lot of questions to ensure I'm not pirating.

After that I'll need to get around to putting another stick of RAM in, can't do it now as everyone is in bed. It only takes a couple of seconds to put in RAM but I don't want to risk waking everyone up.

But other than that, I've decided to quit smoking. Well until Tuesday to see if I can continue going smoke free. I quit on Tuesday of this week as I had my last cigarette. But I failed a bit as I borrowed a cigarette off someone today. Better having one cigarette instead of 8.

I'm thinking if I could quit alcohol than I could do it with cigarettes, seeing as I was becoming alcoholic. But I have not touched anything with alcohol since summer last year. Now I have two major health goals and other than smoking, I want to lose weight. Now when you quit smoking you put on weight as cigarettes cause you feel less hungry. But if I keep off the fags I could go jogging or some shit without getting out of breath.

Other than telling me the risks of smoking to try and get me off the ciggies, anyone got any tips? As far as smoking goes, it's a routine for me like other smokers so I need to start a new one. I am told older smokers who try to quite light up a cigarette without even knowing it, some put their fingers in a position where you hold a cigarette.

So yeah I'm back but I still have to do some stuff like restoring my bookmarks.

I really need to sort out my task bar it's dreadful

Posted by BlueFlameSkulls - February 27th, 2008

For those who give one, I won't be on the internet at all for some time.

This could be a few days or even a month. Today I bought some computer parts and for it to work I need some more. So I put it all together and was struggling as I had a dual core processor which I have never built a computer with one. So before I went ahead on putting in the final cables I called up my uncle who is extremely good at computers. So it turned out that even if I turned it on, I would blow the board.

We came to the conclusion that I need.

A new power supply as the one I had was designed for P4, plus the block cable was not suitable for the board.

Matching ram as I had bought 1 stick of 2GB ram which I learned that it would work with one of the processors in the dual core. So I will have to return that for 2 matching 1GB ram. Should cost the same but I'll probably be fleeced of an extra few pounds. It's quite important it's matching as they run at the same "clock speeds". Something along those lines.

Also I need to make sure that all the bronze spacers are there in the case and they are in every screw. Any spares or missing I will have to attend to if I don't want to blow the board.

Because I have already started building this computer from my existing computer I have no internet. I'm posting this from my PS3 browser which like any console browser, slow. Plus seeing as Newgrounds is a chunky site with flash it takes longer to get to A to B.

I need to get these parts quite soon, considering a relative bought these parts I have now. I do need to pay her back so maybe tomorrow I will have to call her and talk to her about returning the RAM. Then I will have to look for the required parts either with her or later.

So I could be a while, not too long. So if you're wondering where I've gone next week, which is unlikely, then I have COMPOOTA TRUBULS.

Posting is a bitch when not on a computer
EDIT: I may post often on this PS3 but not as often as usual. Having to select no to plugins at nearly every page on newgrounds is tedious. So basically I'm posting less rather than not at all. Or I could use the family computer but that shit is so old it takes 5 minutes to boot up and 5 more to start up. I am denied to formatting that computer which I want to do in the last two years.

EDIT 2: I'm almost done. I got a new power supply which fits, I'm wondering why there is a spare 6 pin block cable though. I got that on Friday. I've moved the brass spacers to they're alligned with the screws on the board. All I need now is matching RAM and connect the connectors like the power switch connector. I could do it now but it would be better to wait until I get the RAM and some advice from my uncle before I switch it on. Whilst I got the power supply, I asked for static resistance bags and they gave me shed loads.

EDIT 3: went to the shop today I bought the RAM from, returned it and asked for a matching pair. I have to pick it up later this week when they get it in. Plus I have to bring about £5 as it costs a little more. Like I said, they'd try to fleece you for a little more. I also had a missing plastic connector part which I needed. All needed to do is ask them for one and I'll cut all the wires. So I could be back sometime this week assuming I get it all right.