NG is being gay and half the day I get time outs exclusively from this site.
It stays up for about 2 hours, then goes off for about 6 ish hours.
Plus I have real life stuff going on.
So yeah to make this short, I'm not going on newgrounds for very long until issues have been fixed.
NG seems to be working again.
and I'm not leaving BTW, I just have stuff happening that may make me appear not so often.
Jesus Christ, it seems that all the regs are getting tired of this place.
Just happens.
You can only watch your favourite film so many times before you get bored of it. Then after so many days you pick up the DVD and watch it again and you do the same thing again.
I think the NG issue is fixed, it's been online for a few hours.
However my real life is more important. Got something going on. I just went out for a smoke at least 3 hours since my last one. It was snowing. It was completely dry then but now there is so much snow. It hasn't snowed in years like this. In the middle of spring too.
I kind of think someone has just died after battling a disease for two years and this was their last wish. But that is me being superstitious. I'll see what happens in the morning. It will be dry and nobody ever knew there was snow. And nothing did happen.